Adopted 12 years ago, Milli-May and her owner are now completely inseparable!

July 22, 2022

Found alone in a box at a bus stop, Milli-May’s past was unknown and her future uncertain. Luckily for the eight-week-old Kelpie cross, dog-lover Paula had recently found herself in need of a companion.

After the passing of her previous dog, owned by Paula and her husband Derek for twelve years, the couple found themselves searching through shelter after shelter in their determination to give a home to a rescue dog. Despite showing their interest for a dog at another shelter, Paula still felt as though things weren’t quite right, and pulled her somewhat reluctant husband along to take a look at one last location before they settled on a new pup.

As they wandered separately past the dog enclosures at the Lonsdale shelter, one of RSPCA SA’s dog care team asked Paula’s husband if he would like to take a look out the back.


Suddenly, Paula heard Derek’s voice shouting from a far-off room – “There’s a baby girl!”

“Her body looked too small for her head,” recalls Paula, as she excitedly recounts the journey of adopting a puppy who would become her longtime companion. Milli-May was not yet available to adopt, but this did not deter the couple from spending just over a half hour with the puppy before they were given the offer of taking her with them. The pair gave a resounding yes, and excitedly waited overnight for their paperwork to be processed so they could take her home.

Once she arrived in her new home, Milli-May immediately began to come out of her shell. Paula and Derek knew their little pup had found her forever home as she fell asleep in Paula’s arms that first night.

Paula, an artist, wanted to show just how grateful she was to the RSPCA for her new puppy, and so she wrote a poem describing Milli-May’s jet black fur and her playful personality. RSPCA SA’s dog-care team was excited to hear from Paula, and one volunteer – Sarah – mentioned that she had kept her eye on Milli-May during the pup’s brief stay at the shelter.

Millie-May has proven to be an extraverted socialite

After finding out that Sarah had been waiting to see if she could adopt Milli-May herself, Paula quickly made her generous spirit known and offered for Sarah to visit whenever she liked. Within the hour, she had come by to say hello to the puppy, and Paula has since made time to call Sarah at least once a year with updates on Milli-May’s progress.

Twelve years since being adopted, the dog (now known in full as Milli-May Myfanwy Rose), has certainly come into her own. Sadly, Derek passed away in April 2022. Paula made it clear that she would be lost without the canine companion they acquired and loved together. “Milli-May is my life support,” she said and recalled how, as a puppy, Milli-May would follow Derek around the house – even running all the way down the hall in her attempt to join him in the bathroom.

The well-loved Kelpie cross now begins every day waiting by the door for her two km walk, and ends every evening surrounded by pillows as she sleeps alongside her owner. Paula smiles as she lists off Milli-May’s friends, with dogs coming from all around her neighbourhood to spend time playing together at the park. It’s clear that Paula is extremely proud of Milli-May’s extroverted yet easy-going nature, and the Morphett Vale resident enjoys chatting about the times the two of them spend together.

The dog who missed out on puppyhood has been busy catching up for lost years

These days 12-year-old Milli-May is not only loved by Paula and her canine friends. Two brothers in their seventies who live next door have given the congenial canine lots of toys and blankets over the years, a collection that now fills two milk crates. Paula believes that her dog never experienced puppyhood, due to a mix of anxieties and mistrust, but she is proud to say that Milli-May is catching up on those lost years.

As a professional artist, Paula has painted many portraits of dogs for their owners but is yet to paint Milli-May. Mainly, she paints dogs who have passed away so their owners have a reminder of their beloved pet. Paula is incredibly proud that she can use her skills to bring joy to other dog-owners. It’s one of the ways this good-hearted animal lover likes to pay it forward as thanks to all the people who have supported her throughout the years.

When people approach her in the street to ask about Milli-May and how she came to own such a lovely dog, Paula happily directs them to the RSPCA.

“All dogs deserve a home, and to be loved.” Her voice shines as she thinks back to meeting Milli-May by chance at the shelter over a decade ago. The Kelpie cross has come a long way since being found in that box, and with Paula’s help this very special dog is now happy, healthy and widely loved.

We’re so grateful to all our supporters who made Milly-May’s new life a reality.

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