GAMES and TRICKS help you cement a close communicative bond between you and your dog through having fun together.  

If we approached all training as we do for tricks, relaxed and enjoyable, then training would be much easier. Dog’s love to play – in these 4 weeks of Games you and your dog will  keep developing that close bond, you will learn how to break tricks down into manageable sections, how to make sure your dog is comfortable at each stage and see that tricks are not just for fun, but can help to develop very useful skills. “SPIN” for example – can be useful for wiping muddy paws!

RSPCA ‘s GAMES & Tricks, Tricks, Tricks is a 4-week course.

Who: Dogs with the basics like sit and drop or who have completed the Foundations Program or LEVEL-UP or similar.

Duration: One 50 minute session for 4 weeks.
Investment: $160