A MOOving collection of this year’s Pet Photo contest winners and finalists

February 17, 2022

Voting in RSPCA’s first-ever Pet Photo Contest certainly wasn’t easy, with 800 adorable snaps submitted by animal lovers across Australia. There was plenty of buzz for the weird, cute and adorable, with thousands of votes cast. And to top it off, nearly $60,000 was raised for animals in need across the country.

Coming in first place, the winner of the major prize is *drumroll*…. Rosie the cow, submitted by Sammi from Victoria. Sammi describes Rosie as a real people person who loves getting face scratches and being fed treats.

Rosie is a rescued dairy cow, who now spends her time being a surrogate mum – Sammi refers to her as the local milk bar.

South Australia’s Wilma the pig who looks… well… as happy as a pig in mud!

One of South Australia’s best-performing livestock entrants was Wilma the pig, amassing a total of 130 votes for this lovely photo of her sunbathing with her sister Betty.

Owner Keira describes Wilma as being a smart and affectionate animal with a great sense of humour. Wilma loves a belly rub and according to Keira, there is something almost meditative about sitting and listening to her pet’s soft grunts as she gets a good scratch.

Keira admits that keeping Wilma entertained is a constant challenge but she wouldn’t have it any other way.

Who could possibly be cooler than Ataahua rocking some fresh shades?

South Australia’s most popular entrant, Ataahua (Hua for short), has plenty of love, amassing a total of 725 votes. With her name translating in Maori to ‘beautiful’, is there any surprise that she stole the show?

Owner Bridgette describes Hua as a loving and affectionate dog, who makes her laugh every single day – even if her ‘gas tank’ is forever overflowing!

“We will never understand why someone gave her up, but we are grateful they did. She has definitely found her forever home with us. She now gets to live her best life and has made our hearts full,” said Bridgette.

Queensland’s Rolf was more than happy to show off his penthouse

Amassing 1009 votes, Rolf took home the top title in the Little Pets category. Owner Charlotte describes Rolf as a mouse who loves travelling, hates grass and loves sleeping when the cage is open. Despite owning a grand piano, Rolf’s true passion is heavy metal.

“Rolf saved my life and does so every day. I lost someone really important a few months before I got Rolf and he got me through it,” said Charlotte.

“He lets me boop him on the head, eats from my hand (has come to be very expectant about it too), responds to his name and shows love –something I never knew mice to be capable of. He only enriches my life – he does no wrong.”

We were over the moon to see Moonie finish in sixth place

South Australia’s Moonie the cat finished sixth, after raising $580 for RSPCA. Moonie has a bit of an identity crisis; she enjoys making clucking noises like a chicken and loves to play in the water.

Owner Mikaela says that Moonie is the type of cat that brings joy into the lives of everyone who meets her and always makes guests feel special by sitting on their laps.

“She gives the best snuggles and ensures our feet are kept warm every night. Watching her groom and take care of her younger siblings is so heartwarming. She is a true treasure,” laughed Mikaela.


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